
  • I am part of both Kemi Birthjoy Johnson’s Birthkeepers Collective, Dr Rachel Reed’s Reclaiming Childbirth Collective, and the Riot Birth Network through which I have access to and support from some of the most incredible thinkers in the birth world.

  • 6 hours online and 7 hours in person continued professional development. Developing my understanding of the biomechanics of birth. Learning how to best support the innate wisdom of our birthing anatomy and physiology with the incredible Shellie Poulter.

  • A comprehensive online course covering the physiology of the menstrual cycle, fertility and reproductive loss, assisted reproductive technologies and providing holistic support and signposting during reproductive journeys

  • An exploration of experiences of neurodivergent people perinatally, key challenges, and how the needs of neurodivergent women and birthingpeople can be supported and met.

  • I did my hypnobirthing instructor training with The Riot Birth Network, run by Jade and Alix of The Birth Uprising who, if you don’t know them, are legends. This is straight talking no nonsense birth prep with load of tools and insight to help you boss your birth.

  • The Make Birth Better course which includes five modules of online learning to upskill around birth trauma, the cost of caring and trauma-informed ways of working.

  • A 3 day online conference exploring birth, neonatal neuroscience and the microbiome.

  • Biomechanics For Active Labour, led by Shellie Poulter (The Serenity Doula)

    Shoulder Dystocia led by Shellie Poulter (The Serenity Doula)

    The biomechanics of rebozo for birth, led by Shellie Poulter (the Serenity Doula) and Dr Sophie Messager

    How to safely support traumatised parents in your care, led by Alex Heath (Traumatic Birth Recovery & College of Perinatal Emotional Health)

    Rebirth Mindset Workshop, led by Carmen Rocha (The Quantum Birth Doula)

    Introduction to Hypnobirthing and Trauma Informed Birthwork led by Sheryl Wynne (Simply Natal Healing Birth)

  • Birth Physiology led by Kemi Johnson (Kemi BirthJoy Johnson)

    ​Cultural Competency and Advocacy, led by Illy Morrison (Mixing up Motherhood)

    Perinatal Trauma, led by Hayley Coburn (Mother of Pearl Doula)

    LQBTQ+ Competency In Birth and Beyond, led by AJ Silver (The Queer Birth Club)

    Caesarean Birth, led by Carolyn Holt (The Caesarean Birth Specialist)

    Tongue Tie and Infant Feeding, led by Carmelle Gentle (The Tongue Tie Centre)

  • I chose to do my foundational birthworker training with the Original Birth Connection, led by the fabulous Alex Burner. I could see that the course was a good fit for me as it was radical, intersectional, trauma informed and expansive. I began the doula training course in September ‘22 and completed the accreditation process in January ‘24.